Simple UX Practices Proven To Increase Conversions - Semalt Expert

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Defining the terms: UX and Conversions
  3. UX for good conversion rate: Practices you can adopt
  4. Conclusion


Many website owners chase after the number of traffic they get - heck some even brag about it. However, if you don't know, know it today. The number of traffics you have isn't the catch. The catch is whether or not these numbers convert to your customers. It's like bragging about how many walk-in customers you have when they don't actually buy anything. Getting traffic (that is, walk-in customers for your online website) is the first step. After this, your goal should be to get conversions. 

Good news though! Some UX practices can get you good conversions and up your sales by a lot. Even if you are not going to use this knowledge for personal use (maybe your website or blog), you can help other people do it on a basic level. So if you are ready to learn how to use these simple UX practices to boost your conversion rate, keep reading. However, for those new to the entire world of UX, there's a brief yet detailed section on what UX and conversion rates mean. Check that out if you need to be prepped on the background of this topic.

Defining the terms: UX and Conversions

Two terms stand out: UX and conversion. What is UX? It is the acronym for User Experience. It is an approach that website or app designers (but we'll focus on websites for this article) employ to improve every user's experience on your website. To do this, they re-structure the website to allow users to easily navigate without frustration and confusion. UX also involves combining the knowledge technology, research, psychology, design, and business to ensure that every user gets the best experience on your website. 

What about conversion? Conversion simply refers to the process of a user transitioning from a visitor (or a one-time clicker) to a loyal customer that makes a purchase. Now, 'purchase' here does not always refer to someone buying something. Depending on what sort of website you run, your idea of purchase can range from frequent readers that also comment and share or calls / texts. For example, a news website will see conversion when more and more people (plus familiar readers) log in to read the latest news post, comment, and share with other people. 

Now that we have explained what UX and conversion mean, we can move on to the simple UX practices you can adopt to increase conversions. 

UX for good conversion rate: Practices you can adopt 

  1. Personalization: This is when you create your website for every of your user so that they each believe, think, or feel like you are speaking to them directly. With the power of personalization, your users would feel like you care about them on a personal level. To do this, you'll use their information (such as interests, gender, hobbies, age, previous purchases, etc.) to generate content that they will be interested in. Though there is a lot more to personalization than what we can briefly sum up here, try using this technique when sending messages or emails to your visitors. Stop using 'hi user' and start including their names with a more personal and conversational message body. A few companies in personalizing your website for every of your user. That'll take the burden off trying to do it on your own.
  2. Voice User Interface (VUI): How cool do you think it will be to use voice commands on a website? Not only is it less stressful than scrolling and clicking, but it will also get you more conversion. Plus, all you'll need is your voice so you can talk and a voice chatbox that can respond to different human commands. 
  3. Single-step checkouts: Some people say the less the click, the more the conversion rate. In this case, this is true. If users have to click one too many times before they get to the goal, you might lose the customer. People are looking for readily available things so hitting too many buttons to subscribe, get to a post, login, sign up, check out, and so on might cost you that customer and more.
  4. Landing page video: Except your landing page has a short, straight-to-the-point text (which is highly unlikely), you would need to employ this UX practice. People are more drawn to visual creatures than texts. So if you can pack all the information from the long text into an interesting video, you can sit back right after and watch your conversion rates go up. 
  5. Call to Action Button Placement: Call to action (CTA) buttons get people to do something. Usually, to sign up, subscribe, place an order, buy a product, refer a friend, and so much more. It is the channel to reaching the aim of any write-up. So if it is placed where a user cannot see, you could lose that user. This is because even if the person wanted to subscribe (for instance), the CTA tab was more or less invisible. The best place to keep CTA buttons is before (or above) a fold where it is not hard to see.
  6. Website speed: No one is ready to wait for minutes for a page to load, no matter how great the website seems to be. So optimizing your website to load like sonic can help increase your conversion rate. But how fast is fast? We are talking in less than 3 seconds if you can. Tune down on a load of your site, optimize images, reduce codes, and do all you can to make sure that your website is faster than or at least as fast as your competitor's
  7. Readability: Make our texts readable! There's no better way to say it than that. Differentiate headings from subheadings and subheadings from the body of the text with different font sizes. Use a readable font type and also focus on using easy-to-read words. Remember that you are writing for people, so avoid using big terminologies. No one will use a dictionary to read your post
  8. 'Free' attracts: What can you offer for free or at a discount on your site? Then highlight them using catching designs and colors. Can you do a giveaway? Do it if you can. When your users know that you seldom post-free things, they could become regular customers because who doesn't like free things?
  9. Reduce redirects: Yes, links are important. They increase the value of your site and put you on top of the other articles in terms of ranks. However, too many links can chase away the traffic you are trying to get. Try to keep your readers on your page by reducing how many times they get redirected to a new tab from clicking a link. 
  10. Live chat: No matter how comprehensive and detailed, or semantic your website is, there are some questions you still might not have answered. Live chat allows your users to relate with you, ask questions, and seek guidance. Some websites can depend on live chats platform to get customers who want to know more about the topic or product in question. Other websites could rely on live chat as a support team where users can run to when they get into problems with the service or product rendered. 
  11. Contact options placement: Finally, another simple UX practice you can adopt is to watch where you place your contact options. You'll want to be reachable because, just like live chat, it allows your customers or users to relate with you. Depending on what medium of contact you prefer; email, phone call, text messages, social media, and so on, you need to place the options where your users can see them easily and reach out to you. Another tip is to geotag your physical office address (if you have one) to your website. This doesn't only make you look more reliable, but it also helps your users find you faster if there is the need to do so. Generally, having your contact option visible makes you trustworthy, which in return converts traffic.


Note that these tips and practices are tagged as 'simple'. That's because true website optimization for a conversion rate increase is more technical. It requires high-level tools, input from some experts, significant testing, and a lot of time. You will be certain that certain pages will convert traffic by doing this. You know, like 100% sure. The high-level practice can improve your conversion by more than double what you have. If this is how bad you need your conversion rate to improve, invest in SEO experts that can help you optimize your website, especially for conversion increase using UX and many more strategies.